01-04-2006, 09:29pm
I think the org took a dive due to expense. The Captain just couldn't get the bucks to continue. Too bad, it was a good site for tech data and helpful advice. As for the bling, I head to Brisbane to speak to an old friend who is going to make some bits for me. He makes parts for the Eurochopper, so he has the skills, I just hope he has the time. He says he does and I have my fingers crossed. I have got him the kevlar and CF and the tools nessecary. He wants a CNC but they are bloody expensive. I have got him a non-computer lathe though to get us started and the ovens and other things. It is quite the operation, I am taking a suitcase full of busa parts (off my bike) to get him going with molds, so no lack of commitment on my part. I don't think we will go for the hump just yet, I just can't sacrifice mine until I see some results. ie: make some money back and not just outlay. I reckon Kevlar with CF inners will sell well. Not looks like stuff, the real deal for about $300 a set. kevlar ain't cheap, maybe $250 for board members, how that be? I am putting the cart before the horse though and I'm treading with caution.