New Busa
If you can't get a copy of AMCN, Picture the Stratosphere with a Gxr1000 fairing and a black seat and you get the idea.
If it has the 180hp and the current busas torque or more, it may be a good progression but it should retain the busa's KANJI at least.

This link takes you directly to the Japanese Tokyo Show details of the Stratosphere it is fully comprehensive and features the sound of a running 6 and the bike also has a fully automatic gearbox with a clutch override.
Sounds like it is a goer.
P.S. You will be prompted to download the japanese symbols from Microsoft but you can cancel this and it won't affect the web page.

Holy BusaSH&T, It even has a camera built into the nose to record your ride!


I'm not using it anyway!Edited by: BUSGO at: 5/4/06 5:06 pm

Messages In This Thread
New Busa - by Troy Busa R - 24-03-2006, 08:08pm
New Busa - by Fat Busa Racing 1347 - 24-03-2006, 09:58pm
Re: New Busa - by Xhiler8r - 24-03-2006, 10:07pm
New Busa - by Fat Busa Racing 1347 - 24-03-2006, 10:18pm
Re: New Busa - by Xhiler8r - 24-03-2006, 10:38pm
New Busa - by Fat Busa Racing 1347 - 24-03-2006, 11:02pm
Re: New Busa - by rocket rod 7777 - 25-03-2006, 12:07am
New Busa - by MacBusa - 25-03-2006, 12:28am
Re: New Busa - by rocket rod 7777 - 25-03-2006, 08:19am
Re: New Busa - by BUSGO - 05-04-2006, 04:39pm
Re: New Busa - by BUSGO - 05-04-2006, 05:14pm
CONFIRMED!? - by ressac - 05-04-2006, 08:36pm

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