24-03-2006, 11:02pm
Your right they did have e few isues with the bikes in the first few years as I said at the top I dont think they will bring out a new bike for a bit. But you just never know what they are planing to do. In todays world a bike never lasts more than a few years before getting a few or a full on up grade, I think that the bike has had a good run and I hope to see the current bike stay the same for a little longer. They have only just brought the 750 and 600 into line with the 1000 and when 1000 was released it was said to have got alot of it's style from the Busa, so now the whole line up can trace it's roots back to there BIG Brother Busa and I think that's a cool thing ..........just my 2cents worth
I Love the the look and dont want it to change
Regards Richard..............love that look
I Love the the look and dont want it to change
Regards Richard..............love that look