06-12-2006, 10:00am
The problem isnt the sex its the Vehicle and where its used.
If you drive a small bus you have to do a course and get a licence code, if you choose to drive an ambulance you also have to do a special course to get a liscence.
Why is it people can drive a vehicle which is not adaptered specifically or city roads, 2 to 3 times the weight , they take longer too stop , wider to turn and slower to speed up , so they handle like a tank and they are being driven around be people who have had no extra training in driving one.
Any idiot can drive a vehicle , push the axcelarator and steer it , but to be able to REALLY DRIVE A VEHICLE is a differant thing all together.
Until someone withing the goverment gets some balls about themselves and makes these things a differant license code then accidents like this will happen and continue to happen.
( not taking any accountability aware from riders , but my views on 4x4's )
The problem isnt the sex its the Vehicle and where its used.
If you drive a small bus you have to do a course and get a licence code, if you choose to drive an ambulance you also have to do a special course to get a liscence.
Why is it people can drive a vehicle which is not adaptered specifically or city roads, 2 to 3 times the weight , they take longer too stop , wider to turn and slower to speed up , so they handle like a tank and they are being driven around be people who have had no extra training in driving one.
Any idiot can drive a vehicle , push the axcelarator and steer it , but to be able to REALLY DRIVE A VEHICLE is a differant thing all together.
Until someone withing the goverment gets some balls about themselves and makes these things a differant license code then accidents like this will happen and continue to happen.
( not taking any accountability aware from riders , but my views on 4x4's )