It overheated !
In traffic on Friday arvo my bike overheated.
Once the panic had subsided about that little red light coming on(I know I should have been watching the guage) and thinking I'd run out of oil, holed the radiator etc. I realised that the thermo fan hadn't cut in. Thanks to the manual(handy little bugger- 1st time!) I located the fuse box but to my dismay found I hadn't blown a fuse. After replacing it with the spare anyway, I checked that the fan would start if hard wired to the battery. It did.
This is where I am a bit lost. I assume that the sensor on the left hand side top of the radiator is the temp sensor and triggers the relay that activates the fan???? I tried pulling off the wires and shorting them. A small 'relay'(I think) next to the fuse box 'clicked'. good??? I assume (that word again)
this is the relay that runs the fan. If I'm right is it possible for one side of the relay to be cactus? Is this common? Am I totally wrong?

Any help would be appreciated.



I would have done some more searching on the weekend but there was no way I was missing the Gingers creek ride with the Sydney mob. (who wants to go slow anyway?)

Messages In This Thread
It overheated ! - by WARD P - 04-09-2002, 04:56pm
overheated ! - by jessie928 - 04-09-2002, 05:45pm
Re: overheated ! - by WARD P - 25-09-2002, 02:46pm
fan - by chosen one - 28-09-2002, 05:49pm

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