Wheel Balance
Since i put the new dunlop on the back i experience a vibration over 250km/h . I am quite sure its the back wheel. Is there a sure fire way to get it balanced correctly??. I heard the machine spin up when they balanced it and it sounded like it was doing about 2rpm !


Messages In This Thread
Wheel Balance - by busababy - 28-05-2001, 05:28pm
Your Balance? - by col - 29-05-2001, 01:03am
Wheel Balance - by JP - 30-05-2001, 12:33am
Re: Wheel Balance - by demeester - 30-05-2001, 09:50am
Re: Wheel Balance - by busabadboy - 31-05-2001, 07:49pm
Balancing - by col - 01-06-2001, 11:23pm
Re: Wheel Balance - by jessie928 - 04-06-2001, 05:21pm

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