21-06-2006, 01:44pm
Hey guys thanks for all the best wishes I just fnished reading the last of them and I must admit they have lifted my spirits twice, first when Con printed them and bought them Into the ICU and just now reading them at home.
Well obviously I am at home and on the road to recovery
I'm wearing a brace that enables me to sit up and to walk around and get a bit of exercise, I can tell you it takes all your energy to just walk around and It's going to be a fair while before I am strong again
Thank god I can take the brace off when laying down as it is so tiring just wearing it
I must be OK whinging already!!!
I can't tell you anything of the accident as I cannot remember anything of it.
All I can say is I am thankfull to have been riding with two other competent guys who got to me early,I probably would not be here to writing this otherwise
Thanks Andy Thanks Con
Oh just a quick word on safety gear I only ever ride with proper Helmet, leather pants,Leather jacket,leather Boots and Quality Gloves I sustained virtually no abraision injuries at all
only the smallest of scratch on my back where my jacket road up, makes you wonder how I would have faired if I was wearing a spine protector!, every little safety item helps
I will let you know how the insurance goes as I am with Shannons they have been very good so far with the only hold up at this time being the country Police who seem to be taking their time with the investigation.
Thanks again for all best wishes
Well obviously I am at home and on the road to recovery
I'm wearing a brace that enables me to sit up and to walk around and get a bit of exercise, I can tell you it takes all your energy to just walk around and It's going to be a fair while before I am strong again
Thank god I can take the brace off when laying down as it is so tiring just wearing it
I must be OK whinging already!!!
I can't tell you anything of the accident as I cannot remember anything of it.
All I can say is I am thankfull to have been riding with two other competent guys who got to me early,I probably would not be here to writing this otherwise
Thanks Andy Thanks Con
Oh just a quick word on safety gear I only ever ride with proper Helmet, leather pants,Leather jacket,leather Boots and Quality Gloves I sustained virtually no abraision injuries at all
only the smallest of scratch on my back where my jacket road up, makes you wonder how I would have faired if I was wearing a spine protector!, every little safety item helps
I will let you know how the insurance goes as I am with Shannons they have been very good so far with the only hold up at this time being the country Police who seem to be taking their time with the investigation.
Thanks again for all best wishes