16-11-2006, 05:52am
I have sat back and watched you all have your say these ferriles can bring our primary industry to it knees with disese if not kept under some sort of control.How would you like to get up in the morning to find you job gone and the bank up you ass wouldnt be nice feeling would it .Being in the farming game most of my life i have seen the damage they have done first hand so dont carry on with poor pigy as for being smart yes they are it makes them so predictable . So walk a day in some one else shoes befor passing comment as for pine forrests better than cuting down more native bushland .To conserve the invirement you need to comprimise so no ferriles and keep replanting pine forrests. So when you read this just think what it would be like not to have a source of income for the year have to put food on the table explain to your bank manager that you cant pay your morgage al because the poor F#%king pigs yeh right so no more luxury like hayabusa harley davidson I think not survivale of the fittest is how animales look at it and so do i.