Hosting & Web Design at great prices
I have been building and designing websites for 10 years. I use html and flash.
I can usually build a site within a week or two.
Rates are very cost effective and we now specialise in Web Hosting.
Great rates and a rock solid hosting service.
14 day free try too.

Example websites, pricing and further details can be found here

You can be assured that any members will be well looked after.
Please keep us in mind.

Messages In This Thread
Hosting & Web Design at great prices - by Djpete - 01-02-2006, 06:45pm
RE: Web Designer - by Breharna - 04-12-2007, 06:13pm
RE: Hosting & Web Design at great prices - by DjPete - 10-04-2008, 12:55pm

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