03-05-2003, 09:18pm
Throw- down, the story so far is, I had to notify my insurance company, that the bike had been involved in an accident, and they tell me, that now they have all the other drivers details, it's not going to affect my policy, or cost me anything, and they will foot the bill, and recover the costs from her insurance. This where the bullshit begins, because, 2 days after the stack, the bike shop tells me I should have it back in a month, I rang the ins' mob, to see about buying back the parts, only to be told, no assessor has been asigned to the claim yet because, they haven't received the quote. I went down to the bike shop last tuesday, and surprise, surprise, they haven't even looked at it. The month's up on Monday, I'll keep you posted on how long this takes. <i></i>