Cartoon captions On our News .
Sorry mate,
You sound exactly like all the other fanatics who want to change everyone else because they know they're right and the poor sinners of the world need saving.
While we deeply appreciate your thought processes, we don't want to hear about it here or elsewhere for that matter.
We are believers in our own religion and have nothing but scorn for your's, we just don't articulate that scorn until we get sick of your loving God message. You have far too much blood on your collective hands to be able to peddle that message any more with any sort of credability.
This is the way wars start.
Natural progression dictates that I now warn you that if you don't stop preaching to me I'll hunt you down and do unspeakabkle things to you, I wouldn't of course because you can't be all that bad or evil because you ride a busa, that's just what my religion tells me to do to people who refuse to listen to our requests for quiet regarding relgious messages. The right to freedom of speech allows us to issue this ultimatum to fanatics who infringe upon our religious beliefs. .
No innocent animals were hurt or injured during the delivery of this massge
Blue... we don't mind blue, the fastest bikes in the world have a lot of black and blue on them, so blue is okay.

Max - just joking of course Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Blue Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.

Messages In This Thread
Cartoon captions On our News . - by kawasuki - 08-02-2006, 05:11am
Cartoons - by BUSGO - 08-02-2006, 08:14am
Re: Cartoons - by kawasuki - 08-02-2006, 03:03pm
Re: Cartoons - by OhzOne - 08-02-2006, 03:28pm
Re: Mohammed the Islamic prophet - by ressac - 08-02-2006, 05:00pm
Re: Mohammed the Islamic prophet - by Max - 08-02-2006, 09:18pm
Re: Mohammed the Islamic prophet - by kawasuki - 09-02-2006, 05:30am
Re: Mohammed the Islamic prophet - by Holger the Dane - 09-02-2006, 09:41am
Re: Mohammed the Islamic prophet - by Max - 12-02-2006, 10:00pm
Religion - by BUSGO - 16-02-2006, 09:53pm
Religion - by andycool - 17-02-2006, 06:00am
Re: Religion - by Max - 17-02-2006, 11:38am
Re: Religion - by AstroBusa - 17-02-2006, 03:05pm
Re: Religion - by Taubusa - 17-02-2006, 03:15pm
Religion - by andycool - 17-02-2006, 04:38pm
Re: Religion - by Taubusa - 17-02-2006, 04:48pm
Re: Religion - by AstroBusa - 17-02-2006, 04:50pm
Religion - by andycool - 17-02-2006, 05:04pm
...and another thing... - by AstroBusa - 17-02-2006, 05:13pm
Re: ...and another thing... - by BEAR - 17-02-2006, 05:46pm
Religion - by andycool - 17-02-2006, 06:54pm
Re: Religion - by kawasuki - 17-02-2006, 07:41pm
Re: Religion - by ih8cars - 17-02-2006, 07:45pm
Ok... thats settled... but... - by AstroBusa - 17-02-2006, 07:46pm
Ok... thats settled... but... - by andycool - 17-02-2006, 07:55pm
Re: Ok... thats settled... but... - by BUSGO - 17-02-2006, 08:09pm
Ok... thats settled... but... - by andycool - 18-02-2006, 05:25am
Re: Ok... thats settled... but... - by kawasuki - 18-02-2006, 01:33pm
Re: Religion - by Max - 18-02-2006, 02:41pm
Religion - by andycool - 18-02-2006, 05:04pm
Religion - by andycool - 19-02-2006, 05:06am
Re: Religion - by Max - 19-02-2006, 10:04am
Religion - by andycool - 19-02-2006, 12:19pm
Re: Religion - by AstroBusa - 19-02-2006, 01:06pm
Re: Religion - by kawasuki - 19-02-2006, 01:42pm
Re: Religion - by Max - 19-02-2006, 04:49pm
Re: Religion - by simmo - 19-02-2006, 08:39pm
Re: Religion - by kawasuki - 19-02-2006, 09:31pm
Religion - by andycool - 20-02-2006, 04:07am
Re: Religion - by Max - 20-02-2006, 08:31am
Re: Religion - by Heidi1 - 20-02-2006, 11:09am
Re: Religion - by kawasuki - 20-02-2006, 04:54pm
Re: Religion - by Heidi1 - 20-02-2006, 05:25pm
Re: Religion - by kawasuki - 20-02-2006, 07:42pm
Re: Religion - by simmo - 20-02-2006, 08:06pm
Re: Religion/Peter Costello - by kawasuki - 24-02-2006, 08:04am
Re: Religion/Peter Costello - by ih8cars - 24-02-2006, 10:26pm
Re: Religion/Peter Costello - by AstroBusa - 24-02-2006, 11:33pm
Re: Religion/Peter Costello - by Max - 25-02-2006, 12:13am
Re: Religion/Peter Costello - by kawasuki - 25-02-2006, 08:01am
Re: Religion/Peter Costello - by AstroBusa - 25-02-2006, 09:52am
Re: Cartoon captions On our News . - by Busdriver - 25-02-2006, 01:51pm
Re: Cartoon captions On our News . - by AstroBusa - 25-02-2006, 09:11pm
Re: Cartoon captions On our News . - by Max - 25-02-2006, 09:55pm
Re: Cartoon captions On our News . - by AstroBusa - 25-02-2006, 10:02pm
Re: Cartoon captions On our News . - by Max - 26-02-2006, 12:40am
Re: Cartoon captions On our News . - by AstroBusa - 27-02-2006, 12:54pm
Re: Cartoon captions On our News . - by kawasuki - 27-02-2006, 06:46pm
Re: Cartoon captions On our News . - by BUSGO - 27-02-2006, 06:47pm
Cartoon captions On our News . - by andycool - 27-02-2006, 07:18pm
Re: Cartoon captions On our News . - by BUSGO - 27-02-2006, 07:25pm
Cartoon captions On our News - by andycool - 27-02-2006, 07:34pm
Re: Cartoon captions On our News . - by Max - 28-02-2006, 12:20am
Cartoon captions On our News . - by andycool - 28-02-2006, 05:32am
Cartoon captions On our News . - by andycool - 28-02-2006, 05:45am
Re: Cartoon captions On our News . - by BUSGO - 28-02-2006, 08:34am
Re: Cartoon captions On our News . - by Max - 28-02-2006, 08:40am
BUSGO - by andycool - 28-02-2006, 11:45am
Re: BUSGO - by Max - 28-02-2006, 12:06pm
BUSGO - by andycool - 01-03-2006, 05:04am
Big Talker - by BUSGO - 01-03-2006, 08:34am
Re: Big Talker - by bandit17172 - 05-04-2006, 10:09pm
Re: Big Talker - by AstroBusa - 07-04-2006, 11:30pm
Re: Big Talker - by Max - 08-04-2006, 01:51am

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