Love is in the air!
20th Anniversary tomorrow (Sat)
This is what I have planned.
My guesstamate is that I'll get a root...
pics to follow as usual.

Dear neighbor,

On Saturday 10th December I will be surprising my lovely wife with the following
to celebrate our 20th Wedding Anniversary. All Sandra will know is that it is an overnight stay and that she needs to dress nicely:

•        At 1pm I arrive in a Saab Convertible, she will be packed ready to go.
•        We have a few glasses of Champagne and I will tell her I love her and stuff.
•        We will then drive down to the Great Ocean Road with the sun setting in the afternoon yada yada yada.
•        I have booked an exclusive room at Erskine Beach Mantra right on the beach side of Lorne with fantastic romantic views of the ocean.
•        After we check in we will then go to Kosta’s Greek Tavern for dinner and glaze into each others eyes until we feel sickly.
•        The next day we will then return back home after driving through the Great Ocean Road once again.

I think you get the picture, something a bit different.
I was thinking what could I do that was a little more over the top and then that scene from An Officer And A Gentleman came into my head. You know at the end when she gets lifted up and taken away by Richard Geyer and everybody is standing up applauding and sort of making a guard of honour as they leave the factory.

To cut to the chase that’s where I need your help.
I am hoping that at precisely 1.30pm on Sat 10th December I could have as many of my neighbor friends out lining the street applauding, singing out congratulations, throwing flowers or torn up paper?? etc as we drive off into the sunset.

I reckon she wouldn’t forget that in a hurry.
It would only take about 10 minutes of your time.
I know I’m not the best neighbor, I’m grumpy sometimes and play my music too loud and for that I’m sorry but please try to help me out this one time.
I promise I won’t bother you for another 20 years!

In summary:
The Date: Sat 10th Dec
The Time: 1.30pm precisely (No earlier or she may see you all!)
What’s In It For You: Absolutely nuffin but my eternal gratitude!

Pete (Peter Zawacki…I’m just up the road, 5 Fotis Crt, the good looking one …surely you remember me????)


Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design,
Photography, Bullshit Artist!

Messages In This Thread
Love is in the air! - by Djpete - 09-12-2005, 02:38pm
Re: Love is in the air! - by m8ee - 09-12-2005, 02:49pm
Re: Love is in the air! - by Djpete - 09-12-2005, 02:52pm
> Re: Love is in the air! - by baldy bo - 09-12-2005, 07:51pm
Re: > Re: Love is in the air! - by kawasuki - 09-12-2005, 07:55pm
Re: Re: Love is in the air! - by imodd - 09-12-2005, 07:57pm
Re: Love is in the air! - by imodd - 09-12-2005, 08:06pm
Love is in the air! - by aBUSa - 09-12-2005, 09:32pm
Re: Love is in the air! - by pan - 09-12-2005, 09:36pm
live update - by Djpete - 10-12-2005, 11:53am
Re: live update - by BUSGO - 10-12-2005, 10:58pm
The pics! - by Djpete - 11-12-2005, 04:26pm
Re: The pics! - by BUSGO - 11-12-2005, 04:50pm
The pics! - by aBUSa - 11-12-2005, 04:56pm
> The pics! - by baldy bo - 11-12-2005, 05:05pm
Re: > The pics! - by Djpete - 11-12-2005, 08:13pm
Re: > The pics! - by Xhiler8r - 11-12-2005, 09:27pm
Re: > The pics! - by Djpete - 11-12-2005, 09:32pm
Re: > The pics! - by Blackkat - 11-12-2005, 09:49pm
Re: > The pics! - by Djpete - 12-12-2005, 06:56am
Re: > The pics! - by AstroBusa - 25-02-2006, 09:49pm
Re: > The pics! - by AstroBusa - 25-02-2006, 09:51pm
Re: > The pics! - by BUSGO - 26-02-2006, 04:40am
Re: > The pics! - by demeester - 27-02-2006, 10:54am
Re: > The pics! - by AstroBusa - 27-02-2006, 12:29pm
Re: Love is in the air! - by AstroBusa - 27-02-2006, 12:32pm
Re: Love is in the air! - by BUSGO - 27-02-2006, 06:44pm
Re: Love is in the air! - by AstroBusa - 27-02-2006, 10:38pm

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