24-03-2017, 09:08am
This site tries to NOT be like the spineless government or interfering do-gooders or even the extreme right/left by allowing it's members to express their point of view openly. However it will intervene if when expressing thier views member step over the line by personally attacking other members through aggressive wording (insults, bullying, harassing, etc.).
Unlike the Americas our Country doesn't enjoy a specific freedom of speech section to our constitution and every citizen/organisation can be sanctioned by the Government if they are seen to be inciting violence or civil disobedience. So I suggest if you are that concerned about individual comments here feel free to report them as I would if I deemed it necessary.
So in expressing my opinion about your most recent comments I try to not come across as brow beating you (we all have the right to our own opinions) and I expect you to do the same about my comments. This way we can gain some understanding of others points of view without being entangled in it.
This site tries to NOT be like the spineless government or interfering do-gooders or even the extreme right/left by allowing it's members to express their point of view openly. However it will intervene if when expressing thier views member step over the line by personally attacking other members through aggressive wording (insults, bullying, harassing, etc.).
Unlike the Americas our Country doesn't enjoy a specific freedom of speech section to our constitution and every citizen/organisation can be sanctioned by the Government if they are seen to be inciting violence or civil disobedience. So I suggest if you are that concerned about individual comments here feel free to report them as I would if I deemed it necessary.
So in expressing my opinion about your most recent comments I try to not come across as brow beating you (we all have the right to our own opinions) and I expect you to do the same about my comments. This way we can gain some understanding of others points of view without being entangled in it.
BATFINK (aka Tony)

GOD gave us a mind to use.........
Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!

GOD gave us a mind to use.........
Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!