Sending photos
The easiest methods I use are....

on a PC/laptop save pictues in Photobucket, a 3rd party online picture album storing site. This site has simple copy/past tabs for posting images ([IMG]) into forums.

on a mobile deive like a phone I use Tapatalk to push pics directly on to a post. It can be a bit clunky sometimes though.
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!

Messages In This Thread
Sending photos - by harky - 29-01-2017, 06:14pm
RE: Sending photos - by Batfink - 30-01-2017, 07:02am
RE: Sending photos - by ClayClifford - 19-06-2018, 04:06pm

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