Time for a new chain
On my 99, I got 35,000km twice, then 55,000km, currently another 25,000km and not a thought of replacement at the minute. But I didn't buy it new.
My 06 was on original chain and sprockets when it was written off at 48,500km. Scottoiler fitted before I picked it up at the dealer.
99 bus
15 bus


Messages In This Thread
Time for a new chain - by shorty - 27-08-2016, 06:31pm
RE: Time for a new chain - by Batfink - 27-08-2016, 06:39pm
RE: Time for a new chain - by shorty - 27-08-2016, 08:12pm
RE: Time for a new chain - by Batfink - 27-08-2016, 08:16pm
RE: Time for a new chain - by Batfink - 27-08-2016, 08:22pm
RE: Time for a new chain - by shorty - 27-08-2016, 08:57pm
RE: Time for a new chain - by Kendo - 27-08-2016, 09:16pm
RE: Time for a new chain - by shorty - 27-08-2016, 09:43pm
RE: Time for a new chain - by Kendo - 27-08-2016, 10:30pm
RE: Time for a new chain - by Batfink - 27-08-2016, 10:11pm
RE: Time for a new chain - by kev11e - 28-08-2016, 06:43am
RE: Time for a new chain - by shorty - 28-08-2016, 07:24am
RE: Time for a new chain - by kev11e - 28-08-2016, 12:38pm
RE: Time for a new chain - by jeffro45 - 12-11-2016, 04:41pm
RE: Time for a new chain - by Huls - 15-11-2016, 01:33pm
RE: Time for a new chain - by kev11e - 15-11-2016, 05:57pm

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