06-04-2015, 10:42pm
Yes it certainly is, i couldn't imagine having that on my arm or even waking up to your partner with it on there, instant reaction would be to either jump out of bed or try to whack at it, lol.
Driving along with some mates ( and i use the term very loosely, c ##ts would be more appropriate ) in an old HR ute, i
was in the middle, we turned into the local shopping centre to buy some beer and because we turned west into the dying
sun the driver flipped down his visor only to find it was the perch for a f#*kn big Huntsman, well he was out the door,
the other passenger flew out the other door leaving me to deal with a car that was still rolling, i quickly swiped the
spider off the visor and out the drivers door, then i hit the brakes, was the funniest thing that day, after the event,
Driving along with some mates ( and i use the term very loosely, c ##ts would be more appropriate ) in an old HR ute, i
was in the middle, we turned into the local shopping centre to buy some beer and because we turned west into the dying
sun the driver flipped down his visor only to find it was the perch for a f#*kn big Huntsman, well he was out the door,
the other passenger flew out the other door leaving me to deal with a car that was still rolling, i quickly swiped the
spider off the visor and out the drivers door, then i hit the brakes, was the funniest thing that day, after the event,