WTB - OEM gen II wheels
I bought some Gold / 2010 B-King "The blue-white model" wheels for my 08 B-King,
stock 08 wheels are black.
The guy I bought them off had replaced them with chrome Hayabusa wheels.

I sure B-King and Busa wheels swap but I can't remember which sprocket carrier /
cush drive you need to use as they may be different.

Sorry, mine arent for sale, just thought it might give you another option to look at.

[Image: image.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
WTB - OEM gen II wheels - by jeffro45 - 24-02-2015, 09:53pm
RE: WTB - OEM gen II wheels - by Tony Nitrous - 25-02-2015, 07:18am

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