Helmet visor sticker as/nzs1609/1698/2006
I see it like this
The australian commonwealth govt made it
Mandatory law to wear an mandatory tested & certified helmet..
In 1988.

In 2004 the commonwealth govt sold its testin facilities to sai globel.
Since then they do not reconise or standby there
Testin facilities.

Only helmets are mandatory tested no visor's
Only visor's are volentarily tested for safety standards

Police enforce commonwealth govt mandatory laws
Thus our helmets ,& taged on the back in silver foil

Police dont enforce " volentary "

No sticker on your visor = $289.oo & 3 points
I wouldnt pay
I would tell that cop his job

He can only enforce mandatory laws

Cops cant give out tickets for visors,
They're not engineers & indepent safety
Testers & dont have those qualifications to do so

No judge would stand by it

What about headlight visors ??

So next philip island super bikes & motogp
The cops will be out to be pricks about it

Messages In This Thread
RE: Helmet visor sticker as/nzs1609/1698/2006 - by RYDRZ - 15-12-2014, 11:48pm

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