What's the closest call to death you've ever had?
LOL I see the Muslim topic has leaked into here too

Not really close to death in the literal term but I was convinced I was dead for about 3 hours...

After having my neck surgery and hopping myself up on morphine (good ole.. press button delivery system LOL) I woke in the middle of the night completely disorientated. confused, scared and totally freaked out. All the lights had a strange hue to them (probably an effect of the drugs) and no matter how many times I pressed the call button or yelled for help no one answered... it was then that I came to the realisation that I was dead. I stopped trying to get anyone's attention after that.
I laid there for hours wondering what was next and why I was still stuck in my body with tears rolling down my face.
It was only when the room started to lighten from the sun coming up and the next shift must of started cause a nurse finally came in and talked to me..

It was the worse and scariest time of my life and formed a kernel of need to do more with my life. 2 years later I was divorced and on my way to London (first time every out of Oz).
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!

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RE: What's the closest call to death you've ever had? - by Batfink - 04-11-2014, 08:48am

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