What's the closest call to death you've ever had?
Could have been the biggest bang you ever had...:-)

When I was about 10 I was up on a roof about 15 ft high mucking around and my older brother was chasing me from below with a big long branch. I was running backwards to avoid it and just ran backwards straight off the roof onto my back where there were a whole lot of bricks. I cried a lot but by chance wasn't really hurt seriously.
All the way home he kept repeating " don't tell mum, DON'T tell mum" lol

A few yrs later he would get me again.

I was about 12 and was sitting on the back doorstep. We had decided to kill a nest of earwigs and my brother came out with a jug of boiling water to kill them.
He didn't see me and the whole lot went right over my back.
I was in so much pain that I was just screaming on my stomach banging with my hands on the lounge room floor.
I remember being taken to hospital and my dad was holding my back up near the air conditioner to help me keep cool. The burning was incredible.
About 2 weeks in hospital and a scar on half my back for many years afterwards.

And then of course are the bike accidents.
Big one early 80's on the Katana 1100. T Boned a car, wrote the bike off, Internal bleeding, broken leg and wrist, knocked unconscious.
And the recent big one on the Gen 2 Blue Black. Knocked out, broken finger (That will never straighten properly now) and another write off. Could have easily died in both of these accidents if I was unlucky.
Cheers, Pete� Coolafro
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RE: What's the closest call to death you've ever had? - by DjPete - 02-11-2014, 08:04pm

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