Tell us a few unusual things you do
(21-10-2014, 07:24pm)DjPete Wrote: My interests in order of priority at the moment would be..
Parkour, My Web Design Hosting Business, Mobile DJ Biz (Gunna be the oldest DJ in Melb soon), The Bike.
I'm pretty self centered I think. :-( (Possibly read as selfish lol)

BUT my mum passed away a few months back and for the first time in my life I have taken up volunteer work at her old nursing home.
Only been doing it for a couple of months but enjoying it so far.
I only go every f/n for a few hrs and at the moment I help in The Mens Group. We do various activities every time and they get to open up and chat etc. So there ya go there's something you didn't know about me.

Next I may join the God Squad. lol. Are they still going??

well done peteClap
my wife works at an aged care facility, the stories she has told me , I feel so sad sometimes for the residents , but also smile , with tears in my eyes.
I want to take my dogs to the place she works at, but I'm always bloody working.
the aged are often forgotten
[Image: 583b3abf-1.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Tell us a few unusual things you do - by DjPete - 21-10-2014, 01:20pm
RE: Tell us a few unusual things you do - by black13 - 21-10-2014, 07:42pm

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