Tell us a few unusual things you do
Gunna have to rename you Pete...

Father DjPete, the AHC Confessor

"Bless me Father for I have.............. "


I enjoy making birthday novelty cakes

Started doing it for my daughters birthdays when I found the price a bakery wanted for one (and it wasn't that friggin special)

Use my skills as a builder to form the sponge base into the shape I need and plastering skilled to cover it in what ever and get it looking like I want. Finally I use my beer skills to come up with the latest concoction LOL
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!

Messages In This Thread
Tell us a few unusual things you do - by DjPete - 21-10-2014, 01:20pm
RE: Tell us a few unusual things you do - by Batfink - 21-10-2014, 01:33pm

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