with internet posting being in cyberspace forever his future may be all fukked up over this..
Just think when he goes for that executive job and they do a past history web check.. UH OH... this guy was a terrorist!!!!
BUT... back to the point
The use of comparing one religion to another as a way to show how a religion is "bad" never works. ALL religions have pasts that can be dragged up and used against them. It also smells of a bit of "mine is better than yours.. na na na na na" rather than an open discussion of the religion at hand.
Just think when he goes for that executive job and they do a past history web check.. UH OH... this guy was a terrorist!!!!
BUT... back to the point
The use of comparing one religion to another as a way to show how a religion is "bad" never works. ALL religions have pasts that can be dragged up and used against them. It also smells of a bit of "mine is better than yours.. na na na na na" rather than an open discussion of the religion at hand.
BATFINK (aka Tony)

GOD gave us a mind to use.........
Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!

GOD gave us a mind to use.........
Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!