Which Tyres ???????
G/day busdriver I got about 4000ks out of the original BT56 on the rear would have got little more out of the front.Second set was bridgestone 012s same ks but a much softer tyre third & fourth set have been the replacment for the 012 the 014 and have found long trips 2 up with gear the centres dont stand up to well but in saying that I also run up Oxley hwy every few weeks and find they heat up well and give confidence in the front.

mark <i></i>

Messages In This Thread
Which Tyres ??????? - by Busdriver - 11-03-2006, 10:16am
Re: Which Tyres ??????? - by m8ee - 11-03-2006, 10:26am
Re: Which Tyres ??????? - by BUSGO - 11-03-2006, 09:01pm
Pilot Powers - by DAN85 - 11-03-2006, 10:28pm
Re: Pilot Powers - by Max - 12-03-2006, 01:20am
11K - by DAN85 - 12-03-2006, 11:37am
11k - by Driller - 12-03-2006, 06:20pm

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