15-09-2014, 08:41pm
(15-09-2014, 07:21pm)Dale Wrote:(15-09-2014, 12:54pm)brgarton Wrote:(14-09-2014, 08:27pm)Dale Wrote: Hey old fella, are you riding to Tathra this year or bringing the falcon ?yes, dale be riding down with, ken and myself,revhead,mungaman
Is that Ken with the blue 2011 that came with us to S.A ?
If so, make sure he's got that ventura rack bolted on properly this time ..
no rack this time ,he tied a sleeping bag on lol,,, no doge ball required ,lol ,but brett did some dirt bike riding on hisa busa on sat arvo, was a clench moment watching ,all came out well..
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