06-04-2014, 09:51am
ive still got my 1st ,never for sale ,i cant bare the thought of losing here ,its been smashed ,really badly,i cancelled the claim and fixed it all myself ,then it got decked ,well i fixed it myself ,just waiting on the insurence check to show up this week,,lol i cant let her go.i tell ya.
youl be on a gen two before you know it ,
youl be on a gen two before you know it ,
![[Image: 11870925_10204352750091032_3366674167629...8f99a0b2f1]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xft1/v/t1.0-9/11870925_10204352750091032_3366674167629721469_n.jpg?oh=dd55a0b25e425bb9113ad8d757f28512&oe=56622893&__gda__=1449596513_445e5950490d09bb6a53b78f99a0b2f1)