Rotate your tyres
Found out yesterday from a reliabable source that it is quite OK to rotate slicks.

Now before any of you start raving on about upstting the tread says SLICKS. When using a tyre on the track you always wear the left hand side more than the right hand side on an anti clockwise track (like Phillip Island). To improve tyre wear with a slick, about half way through its life, you can remove the tyre from the rim and flip it around so that the side that was on the left hand side is now on the right.

Some useful information that some of you may be interested in. And for the sceptics that say "Oh yeah, I'll let you try that first"...I already have. Did two sessions yesterday with a flipped rear tyre. Based on what I saw I estimate it will improve the life of my rear tyre by about 25%. <i></i>

Messages In This Thread
Rotate your tyres - by Scott W - 10-04-2004, 09:13am
Re: Rotate your tyres - by peter altas - 15-04-2004, 12:34am
Re: Rotate your tyres - by bigshowbusa - 15-04-2004, 03:32pm

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