19-01-2014, 03:01pm
considering im a mechanic and own a mechanical business id say doing a mod like this is the only way to rid a great bike of a really bad design fault by suzuki, you have your own opinion about what will sell a bike ,i believe selling a bike with a bodgee,d up fuel filter is totally wrong ,i prefer to buy the bike with the mod ,knowing its done right, filter metal ,covered in heat proof wrapping bolted the the rear of the block below injectors works for ,me
i will say one thing about fuel hose ,new style fuels will melt and dissolve them , ibought 1 metre of ford hi pressure fuel line, pink it colour ,impervious, to solvent melting
i will say one thing about fuel hose ,new style fuels will melt and dissolve them , ibought 1 metre of ford hi pressure fuel line, pink it colour ,impervious, to solvent melting
![[Image: 11870925_10204352750091032_3366674167629...8f99a0b2f1]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xft1/v/t1.0-9/11870925_10204352750091032_3366674167629721469_n.jpg?oh=dd55a0b25e425bb9113ad8d757f28512&oe=56622893&__gda__=1449596513_445e5950490d09bb6a53b78f99a0b2f1)