03-01-2014, 07:22pm
mate i bought my 99 2 years ago ,then i had drama after drama ,new motor new fuel take etc etc ,youl get there ,mine is bullet proof now just keep plugging along youl sort it,
the biggest problem is previous owners who buy ,scare the shit out of themselves ,then part the bike, then 1,2,3 years down the track think il sell it,by then the gremils have moved in
the biggest problem is previous owners who buy ,scare the shit out of themselves ,then part the bike, then 1,2,3 years down the track think il sell it,by then the gremils have moved in
![[Image: 11870925_10204352750091032_3366674167629...8f99a0b2f1]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xft1/v/t1.0-9/11870925_10204352750091032_3366674167629721469_n.jpg?oh=dd55a0b25e425bb9113ad8d757f28512&oe=56622893&__gda__=1449596513_445e5950490d09bb6a53b78f99a0b2f1)