the next time you nail it at the lights..
Played with some figures, but brain isn't sharp enough tonight to resolve it.

According to an article on fastest bikes, a 2010 Gen II can do 0-60 mph in 2.6 seconds, which is about 96 kmh.

At 30kmh (8.33 m/sec) it would take 4.8 secs to cover 40 metres
At 60 kmh (16.66 m/sec) it would take 2.4 secs
At 100 kmh (27.77 m/sec) it would take 1.4 secs

So taking a BBP averaged time of about 2.8 secs, then a maximum acceleration take-off could unfortunately have hit that 93 kmh. If there are any math whizzes around, then maybe they can refine those figures.
Government certified carpet muncherDrool

Messages In This Thread
RE: the next time you nail it at the lights.. - by Belzybob - 23-12-2013, 09:14pm
RE: the next time you nail it at the lights.. - by GRUNTMAX - 24-12-2013, 12:53am

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