when i got hit by a clown police man doing an illegal u turn in his hwy patrol ,i woke up on the road ,then passed out ,woke up ,with some young girls tears drinpping on my face through my open visor,passed out ,woke up in west mead hospital, with no feeling in my whole left hand side,after waking up the 2nd day ,the doctor told me i had bruised the right side of my brain resulting in non permanent ,starts with P cant spell ,it ,well it took me 9 months to get back to full health, i had short term memory loss ,that was with me for 1 year after the accident ,i spent a lot of time in hydro pools ,i still suffer from the odd massive head ache ,used to get 4 or 5 a year ,they seem to have eased over the past 4 yrs lol and the doctors told me id never be able to lift weights ,etc ,so i didnt listen and just went about life .
a lot of people dont like to hear about head brain injuries but it happens everyday ,some like myself step out the other side ,of a head injury fine ,well i am a little nuts,lol
a lot of people dont like to hear about head brain injuries but it happens everyday ,some like myself step out the other side ,of a head injury fine ,well i am a little nuts,lol
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