09-12-2013, 08:57pm
(09-12-2013, 10:04am)Batfink Wrote: good info grunt.. keep it comingThanks for the good response Batfink. The other posts got deleted due to complaints & the total shortsighted mentality of some persons.
the more info they have the more choices they might be able to look at...
"hope for the best, plan for the worse"
Sure, all Brain Injuries are different, just depends on where exactly one cops it, but when there is blood drifting around in the scull, puts pressure on the brain tissue & is usually known as a Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.
I've got a dent in my head where they drilled a bore hole to let the blood out. When I was discharged from the Brain Injury Unit at Ryde in Sydney, my 2nd Lawyer (1st one was run off) told me to get a GP. Hell, I didn't even know what a GP was because I'd never needed one before. I'll post a bit more info tomorrow, but hey, some people just don't like the truth.
After 6 months I looked into this, because as an oilfield diver, I'd done a stack of Surface O2 Decompression before. I gave the written instruction to my GP who passed the info onto QBE. After 3 years, 1 day before the so called "settlement meeting" (where I never settled), QBE rang me up when I'd instructed them already only to speak to my lawyer, they says "Will you be requesting Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy ?" I spat the dummy as I new that the HBOT would now not work because all the damaged brain tissue was now "scar tissue" which is totally un-treatable with HBOT.
Yeah, when one is discharged from the hospital after all the broken bones etc are pretty well on the way to recovery, one needs to start the HBOT treatment straight away, before it is all "Scar Tissue". No time for delays, but for someone with a Brain Injury, it is the sort of thing the family needs to start organizing straight away. Hope you enjoyed the Kurt Allen Jnr Video. The guy was discharged from the hospital for "failure to improve". Problem with a brain injury, because nobody can physically see it, everybody thinks "He's OK now, look, he's walking & talking". Some people need to learn how to talk again, & for some, impossible to ever talk properly again. I was lucky in that regards, some people not so lucky, but the Auzzie Quaks will keep pumping em full of psychotropic drugs & sending the poor victim to therapy sessions with some public servant parasite that will generally make a stack of money off the insurance company,that may be of little use or produce minimum improvement, if any.
HBOT Treatment is approved in Australia by Medicare for several ailments, but not for treatment of brain injuries because the Australian Medical Profession has done zero research into it for the treatment of brain injuries. It's too easy for the quak to prescribe mind altering addictive psychotropic drugs with many known & unknown side effects.
I'll post a bit more info tomorrow, but hey, some people just don't like the truth as it may produce results that really count. The name of the game is to REPAIR THE DAMAGE, NOT JUST TREAT IT WITH DRUGS & SO CALLED THERAPY CHAT SESSIONS.