W.A Sth West Busa Run 2013 - World Domination III
Hi Guys and Gals well another World Domination has come and gone and what a weekend a few minor hick-ups but other than that another awesome weekend and I hope everyone enjoyed it.

I would like to Give a Big THANKS Clap to the Following for the Efforts over the Weekend

- Axe, Tash for everything they did in getting all the food and other goodies down there, the setting up each day for Breaky and Tea it was a job well done.

- The people that got in and helped each day setting up for breaky and tea, cooking & cleaning up etc you all know who you are.

- Roland and his Old Man Hans for their help with the support vehicle it was a great job each day and a job well done.

- Roo Boy for his efforts with the T Shirts they looked great still not sure on that Yellow though Very Happy but great job mate considering you were also getting a business up and going.

- Everyone that Attended to Make the Weekend What it is, it's really something special with all the banter, laughing and some good old good fashion fun..

- and not but least Thanks to Roo Boy & Duc13 for helping me out with there input to pull this all together.

Everyone Deserves and BIG THANKYOU WELL DONE GUYS & GALS Clap Trophy

It was great to see everyone again and also meet some more new faces it was really good to see.

90% of the Roads were brilliant and would certainly like to do some of them again and it was great to see people like Mark and Emma to go to the trouble to truck the bike over from the eastern states to enjoy the weekend with us as well even though they had to take off early.

All in all I think it was another huge success and came together pretty good and as it goes we have some small issue to sort out for the next one and I've already had some good suggestions.

Oh I forgot to Thank Lucky85 for the entertainment on Sunday Night...Lol3

Anyway if anyone has got some photos could you send them through to me as I didn't get a chance to take any.

Other than that I hope everyone Enjoyed the Weekend and once again it was all over to soon maybe 5 days next time...Pi_thumbsup

Watch this space..Cheers Rev004.

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RE: W.A Sth West Busa Run 2013 - World Domination III - by Rev004 - 19-11-2013, 11:29am

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