use a full synthetic oil or not ???
(28-10-2013, 10:03pm)Harry hyper Wrote: I have 2012 busa that is due for its 12k service , my dealer savage Suzuki recommend a full synthetic oil . due to these guys being so busy ,I`m looking elsewhere to get the work done . another dealer said I should stay away from a fully synthetic oil . I was told if I like to give it a bit of stick (drag racing ect ) a fully synthetic oil could cause clutch problems . can anyone give me an opinion please ??????

Hi Harry, I sell oil for a living and you are welcome to call me at work during the week 03 9555 7510 all these bikes must run a synthetic, but it must also be suitable for a bike, that is the catch. Bike oils have no friction modifiers or the clutch will slip. Anybody who tells you not to run synthetic oil knows nothing about oils.

Messages In This Thread
RE: use a full synthetic oil or not ??? - by GRUNTMAX - 02-11-2013, 02:00am
RE: use a full synthetic oil or not ??? - by Dale - 03-11-2013, 01:48pm
RE: use a full synthetic oil or not ??? - by YBUSA - 02-11-2013, 10:44am

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