W.A Sth West Busa Run 2013 - World Domination III
Hi Guys and Gals I thought that I would post up about a small issue that has the potential to land people in the poo for a better word about the Go Pros that people have been fitting to their vehicles and with us heading down Sth it's something that I think needs to get mentioned.
The advice that I have been given is if anyone was thinking of taking their Go Pro Cameras or the like that they are better of left at home as a few people here in WA have put themselves into some serious shit due to footage that they have captured on their cameras so I'm asking if people were thinking of this could they leave them at home. It would be nice to get some footage but from what I've been told it's not worth the crap that will come afterwards and believe me this has come to me on very good authority and this is not just one it's from a couple of sources.

So please if you were thinking about it could you please leave the gear at home as it may implicate others in the group if someone just happens to have something go wrong...

Cheers Rev004

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RE: W.A Sth West Busa Run 2013 - World Domination III - by Rev004 - 24-10-2013, 12:08am

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