W.A Sth West Busa Run 2013 - World Domination III
T'shirts will be getting printed shortly so if you want one, two or more let me know via email.
If you a have already sent me an order prior to this email you are already on the list.
I'm just waiting to confirm the price but should be around the $26-30 mark as previous years.
Will post up bank details when price is confirmed.
All you will need to do is EFT the monies using your forum name.
If you are paying for more than one person send me an email once you have paid.

Remember, "You Can"t Piss on What You Can't catch!"

Messages In This Thread
RE: W.A Sth West Busa Run 2013 - World Domination III - by Roo Boy - 13-10-2013, 11:53pm

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