27-09-2013, 10:46am
G'day Foot...
Welcome to the AHC mate, and congrats on scoring your new busa!!
You're only just up the road from myself and a few others here in the 'Gong.....so next time you're heading down our way (Robbo pie shop / Kanga Valley / Cambewarra Mtn / etc) to play, let me know and I'll round up a few of the troops to come for a run with ya!!!
keep it fun,
Welcome to the AHC mate, and congrats on scoring your new busa!!
You're only just up the road from myself and a few others here in the 'Gong.....so next time you're heading down our way (Robbo pie shop / Kanga Valley / Cambewarra Mtn / etc) to play, let me know and I'll round up a few of the troops to come for a run with ya!!!
keep it fun,