Received today BIKE NIGHT @ Sydney Dragway
Good afternoon!

With Sydney Dragway Race 4 Real events continuing to grow the venue is proud to launch a new concept in off-street racing- BIKE NIGHT @ Sydney Dragway.

While maintaining the same message - KEEPING IT SAFE, LEGAL AND OFF THE STREETS - these monthly events are specifically designed for motorcycle enthusiasts. Furthermore they continue to provide a community service the main focus of which is to provide young people a safe, controlled and legal environment to race their vehicles.

Held on the second Thursday of every month BIKE NIGHT will accord motorcycle riders the same level of safety, professionalism and fun they have previously experienced at a Wednesday Race 4 Real event.

Sydney Dragway is confident BIKE NIGHT will be as popular as the Wednesday night events which reach maximum competitor numbers almost every week.

As a special offer, we have a number of complimentary spectator passes to give away. All you have to do is post the above ad to your website or facebook page.

Once you've done this please let me know and I will post your passes out to you (maximum five per organisation).

Kind regards,

Mary Fabietti

Event Co-ordinator, Marketing and Corporate Hospitality

Sydney Dragway I T 02 9421 0700 I ABN: 38 588 445 216

Ferrers Road, Eastern Creek, NSW 2766 I

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[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22

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Received today BIKE NIGHT @ Sydney Dragway - by ROD - 04-09-2013, 07:25pm

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