(30-08-2013, 09:45pm)pan Wrote: You haven't adjusted the gear lever down too far so it's hitting the sidestand, have you?
no I haven't adjusted it thanks pan but ill check it out anyway,thanks 4 the idea
(30-08-2013, 09:52pm)revhead Wrote: my 99 is the same when cold as the oil is thicker ,is it doing it while cold or hot bro
yeah makes no diff thanks revhead
(31-08-2013, 07:07am)Dale Wrote: I wouldn't worry too much wazza, I think it is pretty well a standard thing, my '12 is the same. I'm pretty sure one of the gurus (Maj or Camel) mentioned a while ago, that it is something to do with size of the busa gears, they are pretty heavy duty beasties. Mine is often a bit tricky to get into 1st (hot or cold) so all I do is let the clutch out a smidge and then pull it back in for a few seconds to let things stop spinning, then select first again and it goes in smooth as silk. Mine also clunks when upshifting at lower rpm's so the easy fix here is .. rev it out further
I may be wrong here, but it works for me
hahaha yeah worked that out,seem 2 work
thanks 4 ur come backs guys,just used 2 my little tlr box[fkn beautiful]makin me paro bout the busa.