MotoGP get together?
Heya guys...

Unfortunately, due to commitments beyond our control (work and 2 new rug rats [not mine] due to pop outta 2 separate [...also not mine] pussays), myself and Cazgirl are only about a very slight 10% chance of being down there this year (.....the very best we might possibly be able to do would be to fly down late on the Sat morning and fly home on the Monday morning).

If we do actually manage to make it down there, we'd love to catch up with all you guys, some for the first time...and for many others again!!

Post up a good time & place to meet up,'ll get a few there mate!! Yes


ps: juz realised I don't have your contact number, I'll send ya mine in a PM and I'll get you to return yours please?!? Pi_thumbsup

Messages In This Thread
MotoGP get together? - by captainrob - 30-08-2013, 08:10am
RE: MotoGP get together? - by BEAU - 30-08-2013, 09:14am
RE: MotoGP get together? - by ROD - 30-08-2013, 11:54am
RE: MotoGP get together? - by bazman - 30-08-2013, 03:52pm
RE: MotoGP get together? - by BikerBoy - 31-08-2013, 11:59am
RE: MotoGP get together? - by captainrob - 31-08-2013, 12:08pm
RE: MotoGP get together? - by BikerBoy - 31-08-2013, 12:18pm
RE: MotoGP get together? - by captainrob - 31-08-2013, 01:34pm

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