Volvi's New Mystery Bike Pics
My interest started 2 years ago when I visited a friend who lives in Phuket Thailand. He has been a rider many many years always jap bikes and hes been a bike riding instructor as his full time job. His name is Brian Podem for those that might know the name. Then I see him there with a Harley. I say what gives? He says its his first HD and hes very impressed by it. It was an older Night Train and 1450cc. I rode pillion with him and was so impressed by the sheer grunt and torque of the thing and Im close to 100kg on the back. I left saying I must one day look into them.

I test rode a couple here in oz from dealers and I have to tell you my impression was that for the first time I actually felt a hunk of metal between my legs. Its pull, its grunt, its sound all impressed me. Mentally speaking i have never felt that with jap, english or italian bikes. Some many years back (1981) I once test rode a Heritage Softail. I was most unimpressed with all the rattle and shakes, that I never looked at HD ever again. When test riding the Night Train I also test rode a Dyna....not for me, more shake, rattle and roll.

So I have been shopping around now for over a year. The prices varied alot and then of course were all the american imports. I bought twice or left a deposit and for whatever reason the sale didnt go through and they were for alot more then this one I bought. The dollar kept going down, I reckoned imports are only going to get more expensive. I also noticed USA prices were getting higher from an average of 12k and now more 14.5k, so I better bite soon. I came across this one sold by www.shannonimports.com.au and being in Melbourne would save me freight costs. Went to see it 2nd day after being advertised, saw it was mint, checked out the guys import business as much as I can, didnt even bother test riding it, negotiated and left a deposit. Within days he tells me he was inundated with interstate calls wanting to put a deposit down blindfolded. But it was sold. There is alot of interest in this model in particular in oz, not sure why but theres a huge demand for them. Only a question of snapping up a good buy with low mileage and years. The other important factor about the Night Train is that HD stopped producing that model in 2009, hence the demand. Mine would be one of the last few produced in 2009. I reckon this model will only go up in value. You cant say that about many bikes these days.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.

Messages In This Thread
Volvi's New Mystery Bike Pics - by Volvi - 21-08-2013, 12:21pm
RE: Volvi's New Mystery Bike Pics - by twistgrip - 21-08-2013, 12:59pm
RE: Volvi's New Mystery Bike Pics - by ROD - 21-08-2013, 01:10pm
RE: Volvi's New Mystery Bike Pics - by bazman - 21-08-2013, 01:16pm
RE: Volvi's New Mystery Bike Pics - by Batfink - 21-08-2013, 01:20pm
RE: Volvi's New Mystery Bike Pics - by Dan85 - 21-08-2013, 02:07pm
RE: Volvi's New Mystery Bike Pics - by Shifu - 21-08-2013, 07:11pm
RE: Volvi's New Mystery Bike Pics - by A^K^T - 21-08-2013, 08:56pm
RE: Volvi's New Mystery Bike Pics - by Champs - 22-08-2013, 07:22am
RE: Volvi's New Mystery Bike Pics - by Volvi - 22-08-2013, 08:25am
RE: Volvi's New Mystery Bike Pics - by Ward P - 22-08-2013, 09:42am
RE: Volvi's New Mystery Bike Pics - by Volvi - 22-08-2013, 02:15pm
RE: Volvi's New Mystery Bike Pics - by Shifu - 22-08-2013, 02:25pm
RE: Volvi's New Mystery Bike Pics - by Ward P - 22-08-2013, 05:15pm

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