W.A Sth West Busa Run 2013 - World Domination III
World Domination III
Nov 2013

It's Getting Closer.....

Woo Hoo We've Cracked 50.....Not Bad Considering We're Only 1 State Clap

Well some of us caught up the a couple of weeks ago and I will send out an update shortly, we have lost one person but picked up another so numbers to date are looking awesome.

People Interested for 2013 Busa Fun Yes 54

1. Rev004
2. Huls
3/4. Bartman & Gloria (Kal)
5. Lucky 85 (Kal)
6. Darren (Kal)
7. Hayabusavich
8/9. Kiwi HP2 & Maybe Partner
10. Belzybob
11/12. Shedman1300 & Tanya
13/14. Munkers & Partner
15. Stuntrider666
16. Roo Boy
17. Duc13
18. Andcad
19. HPM
20. Highlander
21. Fabian
22. Bazza
23. Coose (Mark)
24. Shiro Taka (Sushi Take Away - AKA Mark)
25. Landmine
26/27/28/29. Axe & Partner plus 2
30. kirupt (Kirup)
31.Jodie (GSXR750)
32. Camel
33. Yards
34. Damo Harris
35/36. nzrando & Partner (Kal)
37. Muchacho
38/39. Outlaw &Partner
40/41. Dan85 & Partner
42. Storm (Newman)
43/44. Corpsedealer & Partner (Kal)
45. Busa Rob
46. Craig (GSXR 1000)
47/48. Bus Boy & Niki (Kal)
49/50. Conscuba & Parnter.
51. Peter (BMW HP4)
52/53. Rudi & Partner
54. Jaco

Cheers Rev004 Very Happy

Messages In This Thread
RE: W.A Sth West Busa Run 2013 - World Domination III - by Rev004 - 02-07-2013, 09:49pm

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