1.5m separation trial for push bikes
I've been a keen cyclist for over 30 years and have noticed driver's attitudes become more aggressive over the years. Cyclists are extremely vulnerable on the roads. I know as I've been hit by cars three or four times now over that period. Luckily no serious injuries.

Trucks scare the shit out of me when the scream past within inches, even when the entire other lane is free and they have chosen not to move over because we have the audacity to be on the road. As far as I'm concerned, I pay three lots of rego (two cars and a Busa) so I've got as much right to be on the road as anyone else.

I often ride two abreast in a group as it's much safer because it forces cars to actually go around you, rather than trying to squeeze past through a traffic island because many of then can't judge how wide their car is. Or when they are in a hurry to get past only to stop to turn right 50 meters up the road. The alternative is slow down, lose 20 seconds of your trip and everyone gets where they're going in one piece.

If you think you're a vulnerable minority on a motorbike, try riding a pushbike.

Messages In This Thread
1.5m separation trial for push bikes - by CaptainRob - 07-06-2013, 06:47am
RE: 1.5m separation trial for push bikes - by GRUNTMAX - 22-06-2013, 11:04am
RE: 1.5m separation trial for push bikes - by Dale - 23-06-2013, 10:37am
RE: 1.5m separation trial for push bikes - by Huls - 24-06-2013, 03:23pm

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