(05-06-2013, 02:37pm)mozzie26 Wrote:with the primer filler im using hi chem and an ms deers fast hardener,debeers reducer as well ive also added an elastic additive to the primer so itl flex ,with the gold base coat no additive added but added elastice to the red and clear ,all the plastics i bought were road rashed and cracked ,i fixed em all(19-05-2013, 04:21pm)revhead Wrote: wasnt real happy with the left centre fairing ,so i rubbed it flat again and reprimed it ,
ok with plastics after you rub the paint off you need to use a propper plastic primer so that the grey primer filler has something to adhere to,also you must remember to add a flex agent so that when the primer is dry,and rubbed flat it has flexabilty otherwise if you get a stone chip the paint will just start to flake off like all those old shitbox commydores you see everywere,with plastic bumpers with the paint just falling off
What Brand and what products are you using?
![[Image: 942975_4746788119809_1105388368_n.jpg]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/942975_4746788119809_1105388368_n.jpg)
im excited to get it all together
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