Quit 13th December
Well, funny old night. Quite a stiff headwind. Did that slow everyone down? I'd like to think so. Not too many fast guys there last night, although around 30 bikes. My best run for the night was 10.1. Lots of spin early in the night solved to a large extent by dropping tyre pressure to 23.5 psi.
After the burn out comp. we got lots of runs, almost straight back to the start line. Because of that I didn't bother with a burn out before the last run figuring the tyre would still have grip and promptly went for a wild old ride with huge spin ups in 1st and 2nd. Oh well, lesson learnt. Mind you, these Shinkos are absolute crap! I'll be lucky if the bloody thing has 500km and already almost down to the base of the tread pattern! Strange, just seems to be in the centre patch.
Maybe Santa has another one in his kit. <i></i>

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Quit 13th December - by BEAR - 14-12-2006, 09:00am

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