Anatomy of a Hayabusa exhaust system
Platinum? apparently, I would like to confirm but its outside the scope of my objective, maybe someone could provide some detail. I just know they burn at extremely high temperatures and the proximity of my wide-band sensor to the hot cats may have been screwing with my readings!

Anyway, Cap off..
[Image: Capoff_zps5f5c68cb.jpg]

Now for the inlet side. Three nuts and its off, note the size of the interior pipe as opposed to the outer pipe.
[Image: Exhaustinlet_zps06619f1d.jpg]

Peek-a-boo! Looks like the standard muffler works on the 'open chamber' theory, i.e. the space is sufficient to replicate open atmosphere.
[Image: Exhaustinlet002_zps9f91953f.jpg]

Let's have a closer look at this pipe.
[Image: Exhaustinlet004a_zps9e68c290.jpg]

Cutting it open reveals...
[Image: Exhaustinlet004_zps4bee30e0.jpg]


Messages In This Thread
Anatomy of a Hayabusa exhaust system - by Camel - 20-05-2013, 09:18am
RE: Anatomy of a Hayabusa exhaust system - by CaptainRob - 20-05-2013, 11:14am
RE: Anatomy of a Hayabusa exhaust system - by Camel - 20-05-2013, 02:24pm
RE: Anatomy of a Hayabusa exhaust system - by RYDRZ - 20-05-2013, 09:32pm
RE: Anatomy of a Hayabusa exhaust system - by RYDRZ - 20-05-2013, 09:41pm
RE: Anatomy of a Hayabusa exhaust system - by CaptainRob - 21-05-2013, 09:44am
RE: Anatomy of a Hayabusa exhaust system - by CaptainRob - 21-05-2013, 12:07pm
RE: Anatomy of a Hayabusa exhaust system - by CaptainRob - 22-05-2013, 02:39pm
RE: Anatomy of a Hayabusa exhaust system - by CaptainRob - 23-05-2013, 07:46am
RE: Anatomy of a Hayabusa exhaust system - by GRUNTMAX - 29-12-2013, 12:10am

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