New Potential Owner
Hi CJ. There's another monkey here called CJ. What a coincidence!

My gut feeling is to stay away from the import. Plenty of good Aussie bikes. Plenty you'd get for your FZ1 +$6000 too.
If you're not in a hurry to buy, test ride a few more, or at least offer them $4000 + your bike and move on if they say on. You'll end up with a bargain if they say yes. If they say no, good luck to them trying to sell it!

The Gen 2 bikes...? They SHOULDN'T vibrate much and they SHOULD be thrilling compared to the FZ at over 8000rpm! This one just doesn't sound right. If you come to the track day on the 31st, I'll have my Gen 1 road bike. You're welcome to ride it around the street. No vibrations and plenty of thrill factor... Gen 2 should feel even smoother and better!

Messages In This Thread
New Potential Owner - by cjmonkey610 - 04-05-2013, 11:09pm
RE: New Potential Owner - by revhead - 04-05-2013, 11:17pm
RE: New Potential Owner - by bazman - 04-05-2013, 11:25pm
RE: New Potential Owner - by RYDRZ - 05-05-2013, 12:59am
RE: New Potential Owner - by steventh - 05-05-2013, 08:05am
RE: New Potential Owner - by Dale - 05-05-2013, 09:26am
RE: New Potential Owner - by Rubberman - 05-05-2013, 03:36pm
RE: New Potential Owner - by storm - 05-05-2013, 05:18pm
RE: New Potential Owner - by Ward P - 05-05-2013, 05:19pm
RE: New Potential Owner - by pan - 05-05-2013, 07:56pm
RE: New Potential Owner - by CeeJay07 - 05-05-2013, 09:22pm
RE: New Potential Owner - by cjmonkey610 - 05-05-2013, 09:57pm
RE: New Potential Owner - by steventh - 05-05-2013, 11:32pm
RE: New Potential Owner - by cjmonkey610 - 07-05-2013, 12:38pm
RE: New Potential Owner - by Batfink - 07-05-2013, 01:00pm
RE: New Potential Owner - by Zrex1200 - 07-05-2013, 05:17pm
RE: New Potential Owner - by Dale - 07-05-2013, 05:22pm
RE: New Potential Owner - by gringo - 07-05-2013, 06:14pm
RE: New Potential Owner - by cjmonkey610 - 18-05-2013, 11:57pm
RE: New Potential Owner - by pan - 19-05-2013, 01:39pm
RE: New Potential Owner - by Lucky 85 - 20-05-2013, 10:19am
RE: New Potential Owner - by 06BUSA - 20-05-2013, 11:37pm

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