Quit 15th November
Bear definately lets some air out!

Sounds like the track has heaps of rubber in the first 60ft allowing traction then runs out letting you spin.

24PSI is a good starting point, keep on dropping a couple till the bike stops spinning. Shinkos can go as low as 10PSI but I would watch it to make sure it doesnt start spinning on the rim. Also with too low a pressure you are wasting MPH even just slighlty.

Alcatraz a lot of riders start in the 11's or worse, just depends on how confident and how aggressive you are.

Its been said here and else where, plenty of practice is the key. Another factor is size, if you are a big bloke it wont come as easy to you.

Something to read.

Beginners Guide to Drag Racing a Motorcycle.


Messages In This Thread
Quit 15th November - by BEAR - 15-11-2006, 11:25pm
Re: Quit 15th November - by Alcatraz - 16-11-2006, 12:55am
Re: Quit 15th November - by BEAR - 16-11-2006, 10:09am
Re: Quit 15th November - by busadude - 16-11-2006, 03:12pm
Re: Quit 15th November - by BEAR - 17-11-2006, 02:53pm
Re: Quit 15th November - by aBUSa - 17-11-2006, 09:37pm
Re: Quit 15th November - by Alcatraz - 17-11-2006, 10:15pm
Re: Quit 15th November - by aBUSa - 17-11-2006, 10:38pm

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