Quit 15th November
pretty good night tonight. 4 new hayabusas turned up. Well, new to me but they are all in their first few meetings. It's theoretically possible to get at least dozen Busas if they all turn up at once.
Fast time again to the lime green Kwaka 1200. I think one run under 10. My efforts were pretty satisfying considering. Started with a 10.3, then swapped lanes and got a bit of wheel spin, 10.5. Back to the RH lane and 10.2. last run was LH lane and I think the rear wheel was still spinning half way down. 10.8!!
So what's the go? I ran 26 psi in the Shinko up until the last run when I dropped it again to around 24psi. That was on advise from a regular. Basicxally it was slipping a bit in first but seemed to get worse once I nailed 2nd! Hard to tell with your eyes shut. So what's the go? spin = drop pressure or, spin = raise pressure? <i></i>

Messages In This Thread
Quit 15th November - by BEAR - 15-11-2006, 11:25pm
Re: Quit 15th November - by Alcatraz - 16-11-2006, 12:55am
Re: Quit 15th November - by BEAR - 16-11-2006, 10:09am
Re: Quit 15th November - by busadude - 16-11-2006, 03:12pm
Re: Quit 15th November - by BEAR - 17-11-2006, 02:53pm
Re: Quit 15th November - by aBUSa - 17-11-2006, 09:37pm
Re: Quit 15th November - by Alcatraz - 17-11-2006, 10:15pm
Re: Quit 15th November - by aBUSa - 17-11-2006, 10:38pm

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