kink in fuel return hose
Spent all day freakin about with Power Commander 3 and Quickshifter - gave up in the end. Nothing would stop the farting and blurting. Plugged it in/out blah blah. Cleaned and checked every plug and connection. Cleaned fuel filter etc. Then I realised the that the fuel line was kinked flat after I had put the tank back down, you could clearly see the crease. A bit of fancy hand work to make sure the fuel hoses fitted in OK as I lowered the tank - no problem! Went to the the Nar Nar Goon pub to test-fly and had a few pots - nice ride home! sweet as. 'New' cans sound OK too. Now i can start allover again tomorrow on the quick shifter!!! Lookin forward to the morning ride tomorrow to Pelican Cafe, Tooraddin, for coffee. sometimes its the simple things that get ya!

Messages In This Thread
kink in fuel return hose - by CaptainRob - 01-03-2013, 07:46pm

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